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For examinees

For examinees


For examinees

Entrance Guide

Entrance Guide

For entrance information, please visit the site below.
Admissions (Osaka University)

If you hope to be a research student or a graduate student in Pharmaceutical Sciences, you need to take the following 4 steps.

Research Students

Research students, “Kenkyusei” are " students who wish to research on a specific matter at the Graduate School and School of Pharmaceutical Sciences " without registering as a graduate student.

Finding a supervisor

Prospective graduate students and research students interested in studying at Osaka University are in principle, required to find a supervisor willing to accept them before beginning the application process.
Access the Researchers Database and find your prospective supervisor.
You can search by keyword, research field, or department.

Contact the Admissions Assistance Desk (AAD)

AAD offers an assistance with approaching a prospective supervisor.
Applying to AAD does NOT mean that you will be accepted as a research student or a graduate student. After applying to AAD, you must proceed to the admission process for the Graduate School or Research Institute you wish to enroll.

Contact your prospective supervisor directly.

Faculty Members

Apply to be a research student or a graduate student.

Newly arrived international research students

※Due to the time required for visa application and processing

For mid-term enrollment
Up to six months prior to the year you wish to enroll.

Graduate Admissions


For all graduate admissions, applicants must submit a TOEIC® or TOEFL® score when applying.

TOEIC® IP Test, TOEIC® Speaking & Writing Test, TOEIC® Speaking Test , TOEIC Bridge® Test and TOEFL-ITP Test are not acceptable.

MyBestTM scores are shown in the TOEFL-iBT® Score Report, but cannot use the MyBestTM scores for the entrance examination. Only the “Test Date scores” are acceptable.
Furthermore, TOEFL iBT® (Special) Home Edition cannot be used.

Osaka University offers tuition waiver system

Osaka University offers tuition waiver system (Tuition Waiver System for Honor International Students) for privately-funded international students who are recognized as excellent in the graduate school entrance examinations in order to further strengthen research capabilities and promote the acceptance of international students. This entrance examination is subject to the Tuition Waiver System for Honor International Students. The successful applicants for these courses are eligible for the Tuition Waiver System.

・Master’s Courses, Department of Advanced Pharmaco-science(course terms of two years)

・Doctoral Courses, Department of Advanced Pharmaco-science(course terms of three years)

Application Guide for Admission 2025

Master’s Courses

Doctor’s Courses:Department of Advanced Pharmaco-science (course terms of three years)

Doctor’s Courses:Department of Medical Pharmacy (course terms of four years)


Educational Affairs Division of the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka University.
1-6 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871 JAPAN
Email: yakugaku-kyoumu [a] office.osaka-u.ac.jp
(Please change [a] to an at sign and send.)