

Education /
Student life

For examinees

For examinees


For examinees

Fequently Asked Questions

Fequently Asked Questions

Entrance Guide


How does one apply to Osaka University School of Pharmaceutical Sciences? How can one get application materials?


For specific questions regarding the entrance examination, please refer to the Entrance Guide. It is also possible to request the application requirements or information materials from this Entrance Guide.


Can a graduate of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences (4-year system) become a pharmacist?


In general, no.

Support for International Students


I am nervous about the prospect of living in Japan...


Osaka University offers a tutor system. Under this program, a peer tutor is assigned to each international student. The one-on-one tutors are available, in principle, for the first two years in Japan for undergraduate students and for first one year in Japan for research students (excluding those taking only Japanese language courses). The tutors are mainly graduate students, majoring in courses related to the major of the respective international student. They help the international student with coursework as well as assist in improving Japanese skills and provide a friendly ear.


I am lookimg for a place to live...


Osaka University operates several dormitories. However since their capacity is limited, most of the international students need to find their housing outside of campus. We recommend you start looking for housing ASAP if you cannot reserve a room at a university dormitory.
Housing(support office)



What kinds of research are carried out in Graduate school of Pharmaceutical Sciences?


Research is based on life sciences including medicinal chemistry, and environmental pharmaceutical science. For details, please refer to the Research Fields/Laboratory page.