Homepage of Quantitative Biophysical Life Science

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Welcome to the Laboratory of Quantitative Biophysical Life Science!
We are proceeding with studies on elucidation of function-related
dynamical structures of drug-target proteins.
We are also integrating these findings with information from other research fields,
to understand overall biological events and accelerate the drug development.



Please check the following links (Researchmap).


Drug-target proteins exert their biofunctions with continuously changing their conformations.
In relation to this point, NMR methods provide quantitative spatiotemporal information
on proteins under conformational equilibria, including the structure of each state, exchange rate, and population.
X-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy enable us to determine precise protein structures.

We utilize these methods to clarify the dynamic structures of drug-target proteins directly related to their biofunctions.

In addition, we are proceeding with studies for enabling us to modulate the function-related dynamic structures by drugs
and construct mathematical models by integrating the functional dynamic structures with cell biological and
biochemical real-time observation data, using machine-learning and systems biology methods.

Our studies will quantitatively explain the biological events and accelerate the drug development.

Research of each gruop

Quantitative Biophysical Life Science
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Osaka University
565-0871, 1-6, Yamadaoka, Suita-shi, Osaka, Japan
Phone: +81-6-6879-8220